“It’s like living in a neighborhood,” says Marian Jones when asked how she feels about St. George Village. “You know 100 percent of the people here, and everyone is on a first-name basis.”
As SGV’s first residents, Marian and Forrest Jones literally do know everyone in the retirement community. They were first on the waiting list to move into SGV when it opened four years ago, and have been making friends ever since.
“We had to leave our old neighborhood behind, but when we moved into St. George Village, we soon had 150 new friends,” Marian adds.
The Joneses take full advantage of the many amenities and activities offered, including daily Mass, trips, games and special events. They also enjoy staying fit, making use of the fitness center and walking trail, and have used the community’s garden space to plant their own tomatoes, zucchini and cucumbers.
“We enjoy the scope of activities,” says Forrest. “There’s really no excuse for being bored here.”
Although they are sometimes nostalgic for the house in which they lived for 44 years, the Joneses say they have no regrets about moving to their current home at St. George Village.
“We downsized to about half the space of our previous home, but our apartment is what we really need at this stage of our lives,” explains Forrest. “Plus, we didn’t want to be separated if one of us eventually needed to be in an assisted living situation. We won’t have that worry here at St. George Village. This really was the right place…at the right time.”